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Ancient Wisdom

anger management techniques primer

“Conquer yourself rather than the world.” This indeed seems to be the motto of the most inspiring and convincing people throughout human history.  From today’s neuro-scientists and quantum physicists to the most famous sages in the past, all point to one simple fact – that heaven and hell is located between our ears.  It is WE who determine Read more

anger addiction

Anger addiction… It’s a wild notion, isn’t it? Perhaps you know someone or maybe even know them very personally (if you know what I mean) who is an anger junkie; who always seems to have a crisis going on. Heck, some people walk around looking for reasons to get offended. Be it light or overblown, Read more


How Can You Be Angry When… Part 1

How can you be angry when your love and care are so needed? [stextbox id=”black” image=”null”]“Don’t grieve. Anything you lose comes round in another form.”  – Rumi[/stextbox] How can you be angry when every 50 minutes a child dies in America from domestic abuse? [stextbox id=”black” image=”null”]“The wound is the place where the Light enters you.”  – Rumi[/stextbox] How Read more


From Long Term Depression to Light in One Night?

Here is a story of an unbelievable transformation; a story even I would have a difficult time believing if it wasn’t a close friend who was involved.  Her name is Sofia.  She wanted to share this with you in case you find yourself suffering from life draining depression. “I had an acute psychological break (APB) in September Read more


Do you ever get angry at angry people? You know… when someone flips you off at a parking lot for taking too long to park or when that jerk on the freeway drives as if he owns the road and endangers lives of us “grandmas” for the sake of his own need for speed? Steaming about angry Read more


Compassion vs Empathy Vs Sympathy vs Plain Horny

sympathy vs empathy vs compassion

What do Compassion, Empathy, Sympathy and being Horny have in common?  Imagine yourself driving on a busy freeway when you suddenly see a lovely lady pulled over, looking all distressed, gazing at the flat tire of her car… What goes through your mind? What do you do? Do you sympathize, empathize or employ compassion to help Read more


Is Anger Normal or is it Total Insanity?

Have you noticed how almost any anger management book or therapist will open up a conversation with “Anger is a normal and healthy emotion?”  Seriously, almost anything you read starts with this phrase and then a minute later they start telling you how unhealthy it actually is.  So which is it? Is normal or not normal? What about Read more


When Foods Attack – Can Your Dinner Make You Angry?

how to control anger with food

The idea that diet and emotions are connected is not a new one; however the idea that you can control anger by watching what you eat has to sound pretty intriguing. Interestingly enough, some of the ancient wisdom traditions of the east and modern research singles out a few dietary culprits that can inflame our temper. According Read more


Is Your Anger a Sign of Power or Weakness?

So let’ see… Where can this beast be possibly be perceived as your power?  Right this very moment I’m having a very hard time envisioning a powerful and angry man that brought a lot of positive change to this world.  Maybe George Bush who got angry at Bin Laden and flattened entire villages in revenge Read more


Dude but Anger is so Useful! Or Is it?

It’s become a common cliché among anger management gurus – “anger, if managed with good techniques, and directed towards a positive change, is a useful emotion.”  This text is from one of the most popular books on the topic that one can buy on Amazon:  “Anger is a normal human emotion. It serves a variety Read more