Teaching a mafia boss how to control anger must be like like sticking one’s head in a lion’s mouth. Most of the times the lion will behave, and once in a while… well, the circus will need a new trainer. Besides, how do you teach someone anger management if his survival depends on his enemies Read more

Another day I had a “chat” with Arnold Schwarzenegger (Ahnuld) and asked him to share with us his timeless wisdom and one of his favorite anger management techniques. What follows is a brief advice to be taken to heart if you truly want to be a “BIG DOG”. P.S. In case you’re having some difficulties with Read more

“Anger is the enemy of instruction” – if the phrase rings the bell then you must have already seen the new AUDI commercial featuring NBA’s Phil Jackson. This has got to be one of the most fascinating ads I’ve ever seen. It’s deep, classy and intriguing nature made me jump up from the chair when I Read more

Have you ever been driving down the road to a tune of some pleasant beat on the radio, dreaming of your next Caribbean vacation when suddenly some schmuck on the cell phone cuts in front of you, slams on the breaks and makes a sudden exit off the freeway? Oh oh… how do you feel Read more