Whether you feel angry, depressed, or even madly in love you can thank for that the most powerful pharmacologist in the universe – your brain. In the previous post “When Foods Attack – Can Your Dinner Make you Angry” I shared with you some diet items to avoid if you are trying to cope with Read more

Here is a story of an unbelievable transformation; a story even I would have a difficult time believing if it wasn’t a close friend who was involved. Her name is Sofia. She wanted to share this with you in case you find yourself suffering from life draining depression. “I had an acute psychological break (APB) in September Read more

The idea that diet and emotions are connected is not a new one; however the idea that you can control anger by watching what you eat has to sound pretty intriguing. Interestingly enough, some of the ancient wisdom traditions of the east and modern research singles out a few dietary culprits that can inflame our temper. According Read more

Its not a secret – it is impossible to be happy and angry at the same time. While it is commonly accepted that psychological effects of prolonged anger are very harmful very few ever mention the damage this tension can inflict on our true home – the body. This stressed state was useful in ancient times – Read more