Everybody likes to argue. People that don’t like to argue are either dead or in comma. The only question is what kind of fights do you like? There are people who like to fight and are willing to employ their entire God given arsenal of wits in order to arrive at their own version of Read more
Emotional Intelligence

Loving an angry person can be a daily challenge. Even worse, confronting angry people often creates an atmosphere that is hostile and distancing or punishing with aggression or cold hostility. However, you might have reached a breaking point and are ready to do a cost-benefit analysis of the consequences of your changing the rules and Read more

Sometimes I sit here, feel life go by and think that it takes some fine balance to be authentic and in touch with who we really are and then putting on a facade and behaving in a way as to keep a daily job and make a living… Sometimes it’s just so dang exhausting. What a Read more

Anger is a symptom. It’s a symptom that one of your systems is overheated. If you are always angry over things, it could be a signal that you are operating under a very high level of frustration. Your brain’s amygdala (center of all emotions) may be overstimulated from daily stress or emotional trauma in the Read more

“Everything one encounters is preconsciously screened and classified as either good or bad, within a fraction of a second after encountering it.” ~John Bargh Have you ever had that “gut” reaction to someone when meeting them for the first time? You know… that instant “I like you or I hate you” one. Some people call it Read more

Are you a teen and live in the West? Then welcome to the new world. Even though no one is currently invading your country, there has been no generation before you that has been exposed to as much anger, violence, and bitterness as you. This stuff is in the movies, on the radio, in your Read more

Teaching a mafia boss how to control anger must be like like sticking one’s head in a lion’s mouth. Most of the times the lion will behave, and once in a while… well, the circus will need a new trainer. Besides, how do you teach someone anger management if his survival depends on his enemies Read more

The way eyesight and the eye itself are inseparable, anger is closely tied to the ego. Your success of transforming anger and reaching higher states of awareness depends on one skill – the ability to recognize your mental patterns and calling out the egocentric behavior. Hate to be blunt but life experience dictates that those Read more

Another day I had a “chat” with Arnold Schwarzenegger (Ahnuld) and asked him to share with us his timeless wisdom and one of his favorite anger management techniques. What follows is a brief advice to be taken to heart if you truly want to be a “BIG DOG”. P.S. In case you’re having some difficulties with Read more

When you observe others and yourself you can’t help but to notice an interesting phenomenon – emotions are contagious. It seems one can perk up and turn angry by merely watching another person get all hot and bothered. You may think sometimes, “It’s almost unfair, this other dude is so ticked off but I can virtually taste Read more